Pre-Professional Areas of Study
The following roster of pre-professional studies indicates how the liberal arts can fulfill the general as well as the specialized objectives of St. Olaf students. Pursuing pre-professional programs at St. Olaf is optional and is not awarded or tracked as a major or concentration. Instead, it is a recommended set of courses you must take in addition to a major or concentration. Recommendations are based on the typical pre-professional requirements currently existing in universities and professional schools.
Many other occupations beyond those in this roster may be pursued with a liberal arts background, of course. To learn more about them, call or visit the campus contact persons listed in areas that seem similar.
Subjects grouped under the headings “Strongly Recommended” are required by many institutions while those under “Recommended” are important but not necessarily required. Because of their diverse nature, many professions such as business and management, law, and public policy defy course-specific recommendations for undergraduates. For example, as many psychology as economics majors in the United States enter business careers each year through corporate training programs. In those instances, recommendations should be considered suggestive, not directive. Opposite examples are nursing and social work, which have prescribed curriculums required for licensure examinations.
Students are encouraged to work closely with faculty, pre-professional advisors, department chairs, and the Piper Center for Vocation and Career during and after their time at St. Olaf.